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One piece : Top most devil fruit in One piece

Hey there today i have some top most devil fruit in One piece. 

1/10 Gomu gomu no mi 
Rubber rubber fruit 
The Gomu Gomu no Mi is a Paramecia-typeDevil Fruit that gives the user's body the properties of rubber, making the user a Rubber Human (ゴム人間, Gomu Ningen?). It was originally a treasure that Shanks and his crew took from an unspecified enemy, but was accidentally eaten by the series protagonist Monkey D. Luffy.

2/10 Hana hana no mi
Flower flower fruit 
The Hana Hana no Mi is a Paramecia type Devil fruit that allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. As further allusion to this, pinkish-white petal-like particles form at and then swirl away from where the parts sprout and vanish, as well as around the user itself. It was eaten by Nico robin .

3/10 Hito hito no mi 
Human human fruit 
The Hito Hito no Mi is a Zoan type Devil fruit that allows its user to transform into a  hybrid or a human at will. It was eaten by the reindeer Tony Tony chopper , turning him into a Human Reindeer (人間トナカイ, Ningen Tonakai.

4/10 Yomi yomi no mi 
Revive revive fruit 
The Yomi Yomi no Mi is a paramecia type Devil fruit  which enhances the user's soul to the point where they resurrect after their first death, allowing them to live a second time and to use several other soul-based abilities, making the user a Reviving Human (復活人間, Fukkatsu Ningen. It was eaten by Brook

5/10 Mera mera no mi 
Fire fire fruit 
The Mera Mera no mi is a logia type Devil fruit  that allows the user to create, control, and transform into fire at will. It was eaten by Sabo and previously by Portgas D ace .

6/10 Ope ope no mi 
Room room fruit 
The Ope Ope no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to create a spherical space or "room", in which the user has complete control over the placement and orientation of the objects inside, making the user a Free Modification Human (改造自在人間, Kaizō Jizai Ningen. It was eaten by Trafalgar D.

7/10 Yami yami no mi 
Dark dark fruit 
The Yami Yami no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create and control darkness at will, making the user a Darkness Human (闇人間, Yami Ningen?). It was eaten by Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, who stole it from Commander Thatch of the Whitebeard Pirates' 4th division after murdering him.

8/10 Ito ito no mi 
String string fruit 
The String String Fruit, also known as Ito Ito no Mi, is a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit that was eaten by the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, Donquixote Doflamingo. As the name suggests, the String String Fruit allows Doflamingo to create and manipulate strings according to his will.

9/10  Soru soru no mi 
Soul soul fruit
The Soru Soru no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to interact with and manipulate human souls. It was originally eaten by Carmel, but the ability was transferred to Charlotte Linlin after Carmel's death.

10/10 Bara bara no mi 
Chop chop fruit 
The Bara Bara no Mi is a Paramecia type Devil fruit  that allows the user to split their own body into pieces and control said pieces however they wish, as well as making the user immune to slashing attacks, making the user a Splitting Human (バラバラ人間, Barabara Ningen).Its eaten by  buggy the clown. 


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