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One Piece: List of 25 Marines lowest to powerful!

Here Today I listed 25 marines, lowest to poweful.

25/25 Tashigi 
Tashagi is captain and right hand man of the Smoker, Captain Tashigi is a Marine officer serving under Vice Admiral Smoker in the base of G-5.
She was originally introduced as a Master Chief Petty Officer in Loguetown but was promoted to Ensign after the events in Arabasta. During the timeskip, she was promoted to Captain,
Due to her actions, she can be considered a supporting antagonist during the Loguetown Arc, but she and Smoker temporarily teamed up with the Straw Hats during the end of the Arabasta Saga and the Punk Hazard Arc.

24/25 Kibin
Commodore Kibin[2] is a Marine officer that debuted during the Marineford Arc. His canon name and rank are unknown. However, in the anime, he was given the name Kibin and the rank of Commodore.

23/25 Brannew
Brannew is a tall, tanned man with dark-green curly hair, upwards pointing sideburns, large lips, and eyes that are always obscured by a pair of sunglasses. Commodore Brannew is a Marine officer stationed at Marine Headquarters who assigns bounties to criminals.

22/25 Daigin
Daigin is a Marine Commodore who led the team that went to Impel Down to capture the intruder, Monkey D. Luffy.
Daigin has a spiky black beard and sideburns, as well as a scruffy mustache. He wears a Marine hat with flaps on both sides of his head and a piece of armor covering the back.

21/25 Kadar
Rear Admiral Kadar is a Marine rear admiral at the G-2 Marine base from fifteen years ago. His current location and rank are unknown, Kadar is around average height, He wears a blue suit and black tie with the sleeves rolled up underneath a Marine coat that is draped over his shoulders.

20/25 Catacombo
Rear Admiral Catacombo is the Base Commander of the GR 66 Marine Base on Sabaody Archipelago who led a team to capture the Straw Hat Pirates. Catacombo is a middle aged man with black hair. He has a mustache and a stubbly beard. He also has a small scar by his right eye. He sports a Marine coat and hat, over a beige double breasted coat.

19/25 Sicily
Sicily is marine rear admiral, Sicily is a man with a thin black mustache, brown colored hair and beard, and a scar below his left eye. He wears a classical Marine officer uniform, with the hat provided with plume.

18/25 T- Bone 
Bone has curly long black hair, a skeletal face, and a long neck, and he is missing one tooth. He is pot-bellied with muscular arms and thin legs. Even after becoming a Marine, his overall appearance mirrors his former occupation: he is clad in golden, sleeveless chain mail armor with an ornately decorated collar and he wears a helmet with a long, flowing purple plume on the top. "Ship Cutter" T Bone is a former knight and currently a Marine rear admiral. As a Marine captain two years ago, he was a minor antagonist during the Water 7 Arc and confronted the Straw Hat Pirates on the Sea Train route to Enies Lobby.

17/25  Mozambia 
A younger Mozambia in the marines. Mozambia is a dark-skinned man with short dark gray hair and a scar on the left side of his face, which he had since his early days as a marine. He wears a brown suit with a blue shirt and tie, with the standard Marine coat draped over his shoulders.

16/25 Donquixote Rosinante 
Donquixote Rosinante was formerly a World Noble of the Donquixote Family descent, as the second son of Donquixote Homing and the younger brother of Donquixote Doflamingo. After his family lost their status as Celestial Dragons and became pariahs, Rosinante became an Elite Officer of the Donquixote Pirates, serving Doflamingo under the codename Corazon.

15/25 Koby
Koby is a Marine Captain who trained together with Helmeppo under Vice Admiral Garp's supervision. He is currently a member of the Marine special forces unit SWORD.
He was formerly an involuntary pirate ship caretaker for the Alvida Pirates until he was liberated by Luffy, and he was the first person Luffy befriended on his travels.

14/25 Hina 
"Black Cage" Hina is a Marine officer and a former classmate of Vice Admiral Smoker. Jango and Fullbody are currently her subordinates. She was originally introduced as a captain. During the timeskip, she was promoted to the rank of rear admiral.

13/25 Vergo 
"Demon Bamboo" Vergo was one of the four elite officers and the first to occupy the Heart seat of the Donquixote Pirates under the codename Corazon. He was a Marine vice admiral, and head of G-5, who made his debut at Punk Hazard.

12/25 John Giant 
John Giant is a Vice Admiral in the Marine Headquarters, and the first giant to ever enlist in the Marines.
John Giant is a giant, and towers over regular soldiers by several times. He is shown to have curly brown hair with a large bulbous chin. Unlike most giants who have a more heavy rounded stature, John is one of the few giants to look the most human. 

11/25 Tsuru 
Great Staff Officer" Tsuru is a veteran Marine Vice Admiral and an old associate of former Fleet Admiral Sengoku and fellow Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp.
Tsuru is a tall, thin, and elderly woman with gray hair tied in a bun. Her attire appears to be less formal than the other high-ranking officers', consisting of an untucked shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and a tie around her neck, and calves-long pants, which makes her somewhat resemble the animal of her name, the crane. 

10/25 X Drake 
Drake redirects here. For the non-canon Marine, see Drake (Non-Canon).
"Red Flag" X Drake (read as "Diez Drake") is the captain of the Marine Secret Special Unit SWORD. In order to go undercover as a pirate, he publicly defected from his position as rear admiral and founded the Drake Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates referred to as the "Worst Generation", and prior to the two-year timeskip had a bounty of Beli.png222,000,000.

9/25 Gion
Gion, better known by her alias Momousagi, is a Marine vice admiral,
Momousagi is a slender woman with red lipstick, long curly black hair that is tied back, and a mole on the right side of her face below her mouth. She also possesses a black spider tattoo on her left thigh. 

8/10 Ryokugyu
Ryokugyu is the alias of an admiral in the Marines. He attained his rank during the two-year timeskip, along with Fujitora, both filling the two admiral vacancies left by Aokiji and Akainu. His real name is currently unknown. Ryokugyu has only been seen silhouetted so far, so his full appearance has yet to be revealed. He does, however, seem very tall (more so than Fujitora who stands at 2.7 m) and has long, wavy, dark hair. 

7/10 Fujitora
Issho, commonly known by his alias Fujitora, is a Marine admiral. He was conscripted into the Marines through a World Military Draft during the two-year timeskip along with fellow newcomer Ryokugyu, both filling the two vacancies in the admiral positions caused by Kuzan's resignation and Sakazuki's promotion.

6/10 Kizaru 
Borsalino, more commonly known by his alias Kizaru, is an admiral in the Marines. After Aokiji resigned from the Marines and Akainu was promoted to fleet admiral, Kizaru is now the only remaining admiral from the previous trio.

He was first mentioned by Nico Robin during the Straw Hat's initial encounter with Aokiji. Because of his actions, Kizaru can be considered the secondary antagonist of the Sabaody Archipelago Arc and one of the major antagonists of the Marineford Arc.

5/10 Kuzan Aokiji

He is a minor antagonist of the Long Ring Long Land Arc (in the anime, one of the main antagonists of the Foxy's Return Arc), and along with the other Marines, he is one of the major antagonists of the Marineford Arc.

4/10 Kong 

Kong is the World Government Commander-in-Chief. He was the Fleet Admiral of the Marines at the time of the Battle in Edd War twenty-seven years ago and at the time of Gol D. Roger's execution twenty-four years ago.

3/10 Sengoku

Sengoku the Buddha is a former fleet admiral of the Marines, succeeding Kong and preceding Sakazuki. Sometime during the timeskip, he became an Inspector General. He was also one of the major figures along with Whitebeard, Shiki, and Monkey D. Garp during the times when Gol D. Roger was still alive, and still continues to be in the present, even after his retirement from the Marines. He raised Donquixote Rosinante like his own son.

2/10 Akainu

Sakazuki (サカズキ, Sakazuki), commonly known by his alias "Akainu" (赤犬, Akainu), is a fictional character and antagonist of the One Piece series. He is the current fleet admiral of the Navy, the primary military power of the World Government, succeeding the previous fleet admiral, Sengoku in the One Piece series.

1/1 Monkey D Garp

Monkey D. Garp is a famous and powerful Marine vice admiral. He is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the paternal grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace. He was also the Commanding officero ofthe 153rd Branch of the Marinesa and the man in charge of both Koby and Helnmeppo. He is close friends with his former superior, Sengoku. Garp shows traits both similar to both Luffy and Ace. He is known to randomly fall a seep, something which seems to run in the family, as both Luffy and Ace do it, despite Ace not being of blood relation. Monkey relation.Monkey D. Garp is a Marine vice admiral. He is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the paternal grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace.

Thanks for reading i hope you like my post and this list is made by my opinion but last 10 is correct by the google.


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