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Anime: Is Naruto powerful than Luffy or weaker than luffy!

Hey Viewers or say readers welcome back to the new post When I was drinking water in early morning I imagined Luffy and I asked question myself What if luffy fights with naruto is naruto strong or weak and then i suddenly snap from something and get answer my self that luffy is more powerful obivously but suddenly I realised is something wrong because naruto some scenes defined that naruto is strongest or some scene defined that luffy is strongest but finally i got the conclusion and I really share with you.

Information collected from quora because i prefer this best answer credit goes to Ryu haruko 
Lets Start! 
First thing i am telling you i considered in current stage of luffy and naruto's 499 episode because luffy is still teenager but in boruto naruto adult now,

TECHNIQUES will be the first catagory.

Naruto: Shadow clones, toad summonings, rasengans, rasenshurikens, sage mode, 9 tails cloaks, six paths chakra (including truth seekings orbs) and all nature releases.

Luffy: All gum gum moves, Observation, armament, and conquerors haki. Gear 2, gear 3, gear 4. (bounceman, tankman, snakeman)

If you're unaware of what any of these are look them up. I'm here to explain a fight not each characters abilities. Anyhow Naruto clearly has a more diverse ability set but Luffy are more effective in the sense that they will work on anyone. (Excluding conquerors haki)

Now lets talk about why most of these techniques Naruto has won't work on Luffy…Shadow clones are an absolute no go here. Not only could Luffy just flex his conquerors haki and poof away any and all shadow clones Naruto makes. But Luffy has shown plenty of times before numbers don't matter to him. His gattling moves would absolutey demolish a horde of shadow clones. Naruto could use any nature release he wants but with Luffys armament haki they literally have no effect on him. Naruto could use his summons but I'm pretty sure if Luffy could conquer the Kraken using his haki with such ease giant toads shouldn't be a problem. You could argue since the toads are intelligent they have a stronger will. But I gurantee it doesn't compare to my rubbery friends. The rest of Narutos arsenal should effect Luffy maybe minus truth seeking orbs since taijutsu is there weakness and thats all Luffy uses.

All in all I'll give each character a point. Naruto for his diversity and Luffy for his hard counters.

Score: Naruto 1 — Luffy 1


Okay so this is gonna be a very touchy topic but this is just how it is. DISCLAIMER neither characters are stupid as they're portrayed. Luffy isn't even really that dumb, he just really doesn't care about anything. I mean seriously if you know Luffy you know he doesn't give a FUCK. He's actually smart, at least when it comes to fighting. The guy is a extremely creative and he can learn rather quickly and even on the fly. Just look at his gear systems, and his moves. Now for Naruto he's far from stupid himself, it's more like he has slow moments. Albeit in those moments he's a complete tard. He's not stupid, I mean he learned some pretty advanced jutsus and abilities in very short periods of time. So neither of the characters are stupid but neither are highly intelligent either. Honestly I don't want to give either a point but since I have to give at least 1 I'll give it to Luffy. Before you spaz just look at how each character progresses. Naruto is typically taught something or told how to achieve it. He then works extremelly hard and achieves his goal rather quickly but still not as quickly as Luffy. Luffy makes moves up when he looks at thing, literally he did it with gear 2, and a few of his moves. Also if you look at the kind of things he makes up (like pumping his blood to accelerate himself) they just seem more impressive. Now the last thing I want to mention here is each characters timeskip and the progress it made for them. Luffy gained control of and got pretty damn good at all 3 forms of Haki, and developed his gear forms so they didn't have the negative side effects, along with a whole new gear with several different versions. Not to mention they still might not be done showcasing what he learned.. All this in two years, where Naruto had three years. and what did he accomplish? Well quite a bit, but nowhere near as much as Luffy. Naruto didn't learn anything new really, except better chakra control. He got stronger, faster, and smarter for sure. But so did Luffy, which leaves Naruto with nothing more than maturity and bigger rasengans. Joking there's more but that really is all that's note worthy.

Score: Naruto 1 — Luffy 2


Okay so this is easy Naruto wins, I mean he's got more Chakra than anything that isn'ta literal god, and has fought for days at a time on multiple fronts and still supplied the entire shinobi alliance with chakra. Luffy has no such feats, he's fought for at least a day, but One Piece fights tend to be shorter, and Naruto likes to draw them out.

Score: Naruto 2 — Luffy 2


This is another easy one, Luffy wins hands down. I mean he's a rubber man so physicsl attacks don't work. Blades and other unique attacks like elements would work. But he has some pretty tough armament haki which is a pretty “ultimate defense”. Naruto on the other hand is a normal human he can't really handle being cut up, crushed, or hit with an exceptional force. Once he gets sage mode, kcm, and six paths chakra he can handle more. But if you managed to stab him or hit him too hard and he would die like anyone else.

Score: Naruto 2 — Luffy 3


Oh boy onto the fun ones, so this is gonna be really controversial but I'm fully aware of the facts.

Naruto doesn't really have any solid speed feats himself until the whole raikage blitz thing happened. That puts Naruto easily above lighting speed. Quite superior really, but more importantly his first light speed feat happened in his fight with Madara. Now that's really the only real speed feat he has. But judging by how casual it was he is well above lightspeed. And I'm sure he's grown at least a little faster as an adult.

Luffy had his first real speed feat when he fought Eneru. He was a lightning based enemy making him a minimal of lightning speed since he could keep up with the guy. His first light speed feat was surprisingly in his fight with foxy. The guy uses a slow slow beam (make the target slow is actually a lightspeed attack) now you can argue against this and that's cool it doesn't change much. The beam is made of photons, which are what make up light. Which makes them lightspeed it's rather simple really. Anyhow Luffy avoided them onto the next. Gear two is an effective 5× multiplier so I wont waste the time with the details Luffy is either that much faster than light…or lightning if you wanna lowball it. Next Admiral Kizaru the man made of light, and Pacifistas with their lasers based on his light attacks. On Saboady Luffy fought with both and reacted to both this further backs up his light speed. Now lets fast forward to the time skip. Luffy in base was faster than his previous gear 2 self. Now since gear 2 is a multiplier it is still 5× his base speed. So easily 5 times lightspeed more than likely 10. Gear 4 is even faster, I wanna say a 10× multiplier making him 50×. Now fast forward to the Katakuri fight. Gear 4 didn't, base form all of a sudden did, and gear 4 snakeman excelled. Its really simple. Base form luffy is now at least 10× lightspeed, more than likely 50×. Now he still has gears 2 and 4 that increase his speed. Needless to say Luffy already outclasses Naruto but his maximum speed (gear 4 snakeman) would be at least a little over 500× lightspeed.

Score Naruto 2 — Luffy 4

The final catagory will be the rather easy but also very controversial. 


So for Naruto he doesn't really get strength feats until sage mode. At this point he can casually flip and destroy massive boulders, Now sadly that's his best strength feat until he starts creating massive craters in his Kurama chakra cloak. Six paths Chakra is the next upgrade dear little Naruto gets. Now everyone says he can destroy a planet, there's plenty of written evidence for this feat. But when it comes to what we see Naruto do he only ever shows the ability to blow chunks out of the world. His clash with Sasuke made a massive explosion that I would place at at least a state level explosion. And then there was the time he did the thing with the moon so moon level now right? Yeah someone please explain why everyone thinks he easily a planet buster. IThat's it for the #1 knuckleheaded ninja.

Luffy has always been able to destroy boulders, buildings, ect. As explained in the speed category Luffy has multiplier powerups. So take that and do what you will with it, I am rather lazy and don't feel the need to explain it twice. With a elaphant gun gattling Luffy destroyed an island sized ship. Gear 4 luffy in Dressrosa (pre Katakuri power up of you're unaware) literally folded the country in half with a single punch. When you do the math base form Luffy should be roughly continental level. With his gear 4 he should be roughly able to destroy half the planet. God this is long. So call it farfetched but the math adds up, and in all honesty it doesn't matter I say Luffy is stronger, but even if I didnt Naruto still loses.

Final Score: Naruto 2 — Luffy 5

Hope it helps, feel free to criticize or whatever. And I do love a good argument so debate is cool too.
Thanks for the reading !


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