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Is Fantasy Cricket Real or Fake | Truth behind the Fantasy Cricket!

 Truth Behind the Fantasy cricket!

There is the statement from someone in Quora I am fully convinced that this statement is true.

This statement is from Quora.

Link (

7well it's is real and best and easy way to earn money and at the same time the fake one depending on which side of game you are.

It is earning big money for those who developed this type of app like HHOWZAT, GAMEPLAY MY11 ETC, and normal people who are innocent and hoping to earn big money by participating in live league contest are the victim here, but as in this country cricket is like religion, there they are making use of your emotion and passion, love for cricket,

So don't waste your money on these fake apps, it's better to put into something real where you have genuine potential to earn money.

Most of these apps will allows participate for particular league say 11000 seats with entry fees of 50, and there will be 6000 winner, and prize money will be like 1st 20000, 2–3 -6000, 3–10–2000, 10–50–500,50–100- 100rs, so on that's too depend on no of participation,if no of participation less amount of winning and no will be reduce suddenly, and the too position are acquire by bots and there own system you always or mostly gets last position or very less amount.

That's how you always loose money in hope of making lakhs, with investing just 50rs in pure luck basis without any skills, that's not how thing works or atleast that not how people make million.

None of this company provides there address nor there contact no, because they well know they are operating a ponzi sceme to make themselves rich so no contact no no address, ???

It's better you also launch a app like that and make people join your league in this way you have more chances to earn lakhs as compare to just joining these league in a hope for money

Stay out of fake one, for your satisfaction if you want ,try with small amount of 100–500 see where you can go ,

Now just look how big these app are earning suppose only out of curiosity &trying for one time people put 100 to 500rs . with population of 130 crore where cricket is biggest sport let assume minimum atleat 10 crore active cricket lover users who are willing to try these league in a hope to earn lakhs using there luck base cricket knowdlege (the way these company market this “your cricket knowledge “)total market cap would be 5000 crore that just for let say only 1 months??

Yup.. This much insane amount of money, but not for U, who play these leage, it's for those who are at other side of boundary.. Think and act wisely.

My opinion About Fantasy ! 

Well I am Fully Convinced because I lost my approx.200 Ruppes. 

And I have some Doubt. with these apps 


I have some Evidence.

Now, The contest is 75 Lakh Ruppes 

AND NO OF PLAYERS JOIN 1,26,098 and entry fees is 49₹ so the problem is is you calculate the players and the amount then you get = 61,78,802. And pool point is 75,00,000 lkh how the fantasy cricket managed?

And minimum player join 1,00,000

Thats mean ₹49,00,000 how company managed 26 lakh lose, 

1st prize is 5 lakhs thats mean every 1st winner can get 5 lakh so, 

There is another thing i doubt.

No. Of players almost 10-15 win 5 lakh and 2nd 20,000 thats mean if 10 player maximum win 5 lakh thats mean 50 lakhs 

And minimum player 1,00,000 entry 49 INR so how he can manage to pay all of them. Because if no of players 1,00,000 thats means 49 lakhs less than 50 lakhs,

I have a doubt so i choose to quit the game because the more i go the more i know i am sticking deep.

Thanks if you want to play fantasy, you play offcourse i having doubt but if you lose you're money so dont run for it just forgot and quit .


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