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In 2021 One Piece stretched like rubber band but the animation and story line still Improving like a horse, and The development of the character is still improving well, now in this post we talk about the anime character development before the wano country arc start.
one piece individual research.

Before we start you must know about the list, the character development is not based on particular scene. we just observing how characters develope. spoiler alert

Ussop (Sniper of the straw hat pirates)


Ussop was acting cowardly on Punk Hazard, showing the reader/watcher that he hasn't quite got there yet even though he went through the timeskip training. Being a coward and lying is a core part of his character traits, they will always be there. When comparing to another character, such as Zoro it's not like Zoro is going to lose his horrible sense of direction instantly, or Sanji won't lose his love of women in a day. Usopp's character development is slow and steady within each arc, he shouldn't be a brave warrior of the sea just because of 2 years of training.

The reason Oda chose Usopp to run away from Trebol & Sugar were ultimately for two reasons:

  1. To show the reader yet again that Usopp has a long way to go to reach his dream

  2. To build tension in the arc, to make the reader emotional, frustrated or dissapointed at Usopp which he completely succeeded at doing.

However eventually Usopp turned around and fought Trebol & Sugar, and it wasn't for his crew, it was for complete strangers that were calling for his help. In my opinion, the main area in which Usopp developed recently was being true to himselfHere and here Usopp is being honest, he yells "I am Usopp! Sniper of the Strawhat pirates!" He's not lying, he's not saying he's the captain, he's not saying he is Usoland, he's not saying he is some bounty hunter, and he is not hiding behind the mask of Sogeking. 

The act of not doubting = strength. The way I interpret Usopp using his alter ego Sogeking and hiding behind the mask, is a form of a doubt. Because he did not hide behind Sogeking's mask and was honest and true to himself without showing doubt, may be the reason why he developed observation haki later in the same arc. Not only did being true to himself and stating who he was help him with haki, but it resulted in Dressrosa Spoiler.

Now that Usopp has developed this way I honestly don't think we will see Sogeking ever again.

Another thing I want to bring up is some people think Usopp ran away because Robin turned into a toy and consequently lost his 'Enies Lobby character development' which I completely disagree with. I guarantee you Usopp will be a coward again in the future with Robin present.

Buggy The Clown(Captain of Buggy pirates)

Out of anyone in the series, Buggy the Clown underwent the starkest change in status. Originally a low-tier villain who was mostly just there to make fans laugh, Buggy grew into one of the most active Warlords and a leading member of the underground world. With the new forces he built after Marineford, Buggy became an influential pirate who led an army of pirates that wanted to personally work under a legend. Buggy even changed his look to appeal to his new status, though this style is, in perfect Buggy manner, just a facade. While the Seven Warlords have been disbanded, Buggy did get to live a pretty profitable life and has a lot more backup to keep him out of jail. Whether he's using them as soldiers or scapegoats, Buggy is living the high life.

There is only two character i've seen if you want more research in one piece then comment i make another post


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